Our historical datasets
20+ weather variables
Precipitation accumulation, temperature, wind gusts, and more. Weather variables are proprietary and directly from modeling.
Impact risk scores
Our full suite of impact scores like the Road Conditions Index and Power Outage Index. You can see the full list of scores here.
Historical route disruption data powered by our weather-adjusted ETA and road risk engine, RightRoute.
Historical forecasts
Understand how WeatherOptics predicted real weather events out to 7 days by leveraging our historical forecast data.
Consumer Edge re-trained their consumer demand models with our historical datasets and improved accuracy by 25%.

A supply chain visibility company utilized our historical RightRoute data to add disruptive weather to their ETA predictions, improving them by 40%.
Extensive coverage to meet your needs
Learn more about our underlying here.
Flexible access
Use our API, data pipeline, are customized file deliveries to retrieve data however you’d like
Global coverage
Datasets can be accessed on hyper-granular 3km grid or rolled up to larger geographies anywhere across the globe
15+ years of weather data
Our datasets go back more than 15 years, allowing you to check data for hundreds of high impact weather events
Discover how we've forecasted some of the highest impact events
Our team compiled the highest impact storms over the last 5 years and included our historical forecast data with real-ground truth reports of impact to show how accurately we predicted each event.
Hurricane Ida
One of the most intense hurricanes to ever hit Louisiana, making landfall as a high-end Category 4 storm
Winter Storm Elliot
A powerful winter storm wrecked havoc across the country in the days leading up to Christmas 2022
Winter Storm Orlena
Heavy and disruptive snow was observed across the Northeast, including to I-95 corridor from Philadelphia to Portland